Mobitru Plugin
The plugin provides integration with continuous testing cloud Mobitru.
Copy the below line to
section of the projectbuild.gradle
filePlease make sure to use the same version for all VIVIDUS dependencies. Example 1. build.gradleimplementation(group: 'org.vividus', name: 'vividus-plugin-mobitru')
If the project was imported to the IDE before adding new dependency, re-generate the configuration files for the used IDE and then refresh the project in the used IDE.
The plugin defines profile with a set of the preconfigured properties. In order to simplify work with Mobitru the plugin does following steps:
Takes device.
For the device search plugin relies on the capabilities specified in the properties. mobitru/web
Use in conjunction with mobile web application profiles.
Use in conjunction with native mobile application profiles.
Example 2. Capabilities to run tests on a specific deviceselenium.grid.capabilities.udid=ce22271b791f6c0603
Example 3. Capabilities to run tests on any device with a specific platform versionselenium.grid.capabilities.platformVersion=12
Example 4. Capabilities to run tests on specific device modelselenium.grid.capabilities.deviceName=iPhone 13
Takes device using Mobitru capabilities
For more fine-grained configuration of taking device additionally use Mobitru device search capabilities.
capabilities can not be specified along with Mobitru device search capabilities.To select a device from the pool of known devices use comma-separated unique device IDs.
Example 5. Capabilities to run tests on the one of specified deviceselenium.grid.capabilities.mobitru-device-search\:udids=83f1493135524933, ad0c1603a8c1c4db04, LGM250KBIRD6MJEECA
Otherwise, use the capabilities specified below to search device by specific parameters, like model, type, etc.
Only one device selection method is allowed: by udids or by search parameters. The properties marked with bold are mandatory. Property Name Acceptable values Description selenium.grid.capabilities.mobitru-device-search\:type
The type of the device.
etc.The device manufacture name (case-insensitive).
etc.The model of the device (case-insensitive).
Example 6. Capabilities to run tests on any SAMSUNG phone with a specific platform versionselenium.grid.capabilities.platformVersion=12 selenium.grid.capabilities.mobitru-device-search\:type=phone selenium.grid.capabilities.mobitru-device-search\:manufacturer=SAMSUNG
Installs application on the device.
The properties marked with bold are mandatory. |
Property Name | Acceptable values | Default | Description |
The username. |
The name of the user. |
The access key. |
The name of application e.g. |
The file name of the application under test uploaded to Mobitru. The application should be uploaded either via UI or REST API. |
The valid application package name or bundle id. |
(iOS only) Resign the application (*.ipa) with Mobitru profile or not. |
Inject special code into application to allow emulation of "touch id" action and QR code scan. |
Enable the video recording for entire appium session. The output recording will be attached to the report. |
The duration in ISO-8601 Durations format. |
The timeout to wait while the requested device becomes available for usage. VIVIDUS will perform at most 20 retries during the timeout. |