Date/Time Plugin
The plugin provides functionality to generate, modify and validate date/time.
Copy the below line to
section of the projectbuild.gradle
filePlease make sure to use the same version for all VIVIDUS dependencies. Example 1. build.gradleimplementation(group: 'org.vividus', name: 'vividus-plugin-datetime')
If the project was imported to the IDE before adding new dependency, re-generate the configuration files for the used IDE and then refresh the project in the used IDE.
- Defines time zone which will be used. The default is set to a system default timezone. Time zone format
The expression parameters marked with bold are mandatory. |
Generates the date using current date as a baseline.
#{generateDate($period, $outputFormat)}
- the period in ISO-8601 Durations format. -
- the output format based on the date/time format.
Property name | Acceptable values | Default | Description |
2-letter language code followed by underscore |
The locale used for formatting of the resulting date. For example, the date '2022-08-11' with format 'EEE, dd MMM yyyy' will be displayed as
Let’s imagine the current date is 2020-11-23
and the time is 00:10:01
. Here is a set of examples with the results and comments.
Expression | Result | Comment |
2020-11-23 |
Current date. |
2020-11-24T02:10:01 |
Current date +1 day and +2 hours |
2020-11-22 |
Current date -1 day |
2020-12-23 |
Current date + 1 month |
2020-11-23T00:00:01 |
Current date time -10 mins |
2020-11 |
Current date with the custom output format |
11/23/2020 |
Current date with a custom format |
20-11-24 |
Current date +1 day with the custom output format |
2020,11,25 |
Current date +2 day with the custom output format |
2020,11,25 |
Current date +3 day with the custom output format |
2020-11-23T00:10:01+0300 |
Current date with the custom output format including time zone offset |
Formats the input date to another format. Additionally, time zone can be changed in the output result.
#{formatDate($inputDate, $outputFormat, $outputTimeZone)}
- the date to be formatted, it should be presented in the ISO-8601 format. -
- the output format based on the date/time format. -
- the time zone for the output result.
Property name | Acceptable values | Default | Description |
2-letter language code followed by underscore |
The locale used for fromatting of the resulting date. For example, the expression
Expression | Result |
2017-01-13T09:00:42.862 |
2017-01-13T09:00:42.862 |
Throw exception |
2017-01-13T09:00:42 |
2017-01-13T09:00:42+0000 |
2017-01-13T09:00:42-05:00 |
2017-01-13 |
2017,01,13 |
2017,01,13 |
2017-01-13T04:00:42.862-0500 |
2017-01-13T09:00:42.862+0000 |
2017-01-13T04:00:42.862-0500 |
Error: invalid input data |
Error: invalid output format |
Error: invalid output timezone |
Formats the input date to the desired format. The format of the input date should be provided in the second parameter.
#{formatDateTo($inputDate, $inputFormat, $outputFormat)}
- the date to be formatted, it can be in any format but this format should be described in the second parameter -
- the input date format based on the date/time format -
- the output date format based on the date/time format
Expression | Result |
Fri, 31 Mar 2017 07:20:43 GMT |
2017-03-31T07:20:43 |
2017-03-31T07:20:43 |
Shifts the given input date for a given period in any direction (+/-).
#{shiftDate($inputDate, $inputFormat, $period)}
- the date to be shifted, it can be in any format but this format should be described in the second parameter -
- the input date format based on the date/time format -
- the period by which the date will be shifted, it should be written in ISO-8601 Durations format.
Expression | Result |
2018-03-19 01:40:00 |
2018-03-19, 01:40:00 |
Fri, 10 May 2019 09:20:43 GMT |
"Fri, 10 May, 2019, 09:20:43 GMT" |
Calculates the difference between two dates with given formats and returns result in ISO-8601 format.
#{diffDate($inputDate1, $inputDate1Format, $inputDate2, $inputDate2Format, chronoUnit)}
- the first input date, it can be in any format but this format should be described in the second parameter -
- the first input date format based on the date/time format -
- the second input date, it can be in any format but this format should be described in the second parameter -
- the second input date format based on the date/time format -
- [optional] the date period unit based on date periods units. Calculation of the amount of time between two dates will be done in terms of this unit.
Expression | Result |
PT0S |
PT0S |
PT0S |
PT8774591H59M20S |
60 |
1 |
0 |
Converts the input date to the number of seconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
- the date to be converted in the ISO-8601 format.
Expression | Result |
734918400 |
734918400 |
1607692385 |
1607692385 |
Converts the input date to the number of milliseconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
- the date to be converted in the ISO-8601 format.
Expression | Result |
734918400000 |
734918400123 |
1607692385000 |
1607692385987 |
Converts the input number of seconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to the date in the ISO-8601 format.
- the Unix epoch time in seconds to be converted to the ISO-8601 format.
Expression | Result |
1993-04-16T00:00:00 |
2022-11-28T13:01:08 |
Converts the input number of milliseconds from the epoch of 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z to the date in the ISO-8601 format.
- the Unix epoch time in milliseconds to be converted to the ISO-8601 format.
Expression | Result |
1993-04-16T00:00:00.987 |
2022-11-28T13:01:08.123 |
Compare date and current instant
Validates the difference between the current instant and the provided date in seconds.
Then the date '$date' is $comparisonRule current for $seconds seconds
- The date in the ISO-8601 format. -
- The comparison rule. -
- The expected number of seconds between the current instant and the provided date.
Then the date '2020-06-16T15:25:29.516580Z' is less than current for 10 seconds
Compare two dates
Compares two dates according to the given comparison rule.
Then the date '$date1' is $comparisonRule the date '$date2'
- The first date in the ISO-8601 format. -
- The comparison rule. -
- The second date in the ISO-8601 format.
Then the date '2021-04-20T01:02:03.004Z' is greater than the date '2021-04-20T01:02:03.003Z'
Then the date '2021-04-19' is less than the date '2021-04-20'
Compare date with custom format and current instant
Validates the difference between the current instant and the provided date in seconds using the custom date format.
Then the date '$date' in the format '$format' is $comparisonRule current for $seconds seconds
- The date to validate. -
- the date/time format. -
- The comparison rule. -
- The expected number of seconds between the current instant and the provided date.
Then the date '2020-06-25T00:19:58.890007Z' in the format 'uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.nnnX' is > current for 10 seconds