
This glossary contains the descriptions for terms and abbreviations that are used in the documentation.


Synonyms: examples table, data table.

ExamplesTable represents a tabular structure that holds rows of example data for parameters named via the column headers:

|header 1|header 2| .... |header n|
|value 11|value 12| .... |value 1n|
|value m1|value m2| .... |value mn|

Rows starting with an ignorable separator (defaults to |--) are allowed and ignored:

|header 1|header 2| .... |header n|
|-- A commented row --|
|value 11|value 12| .... |value 1n|
|-- Another commented row --|
|value m1|value m2| .... |value mn|

The separators are also configurable via inlined properties:

!header 1!header 2! .... !header n!
!-- A commented row --!
!value 11!value 12! .... !value 1n!
!-- Another commented row --!
!value m1!value m2! .... !value mn!

Comments in column values are supported via the commentSeparator inlined property:

| header 1#comment | header 2 | .... | header n |
| value 11#comment | value 12 | .... | value 1n |

Comments including the separator are stripped.

Preserving whitespace

By default all column values are trimmed. To avoid trimming the values, use the trim inlined property:

| header 1 | header 2 | .... | header n |
| value 11 | value 12 | .... | value 1n |

Mapping values to null-s

By default, all empty values in ExamplesTable are treated as empty strings. However, it might be required to map certain values to null-s. This can be done at the step implementation level or by applying the generic approach at the table level:

|header |
|value 1|
|NULL   |
|value 3|

Using values with line breaks

Line break is a default separator for rows in ExamplesTable, that’s why they can’t be added as is to the data. In order to put value with line breaks to ExamplesTable escape sequences (a character preceded by a backslash \ is an escape sequence) must be used.

Escape Sequence Description


Insert a newline in the value at this point.


Insert a carriage return in the text at this point.


Insert a backslash character in the text at this point.

The inlined property processEscapeSequences defines whether escape sequences should be replaced in the data. It’s false by default (no property is declared explicitly). The allowed values are true and false, any other values are considered invalid and will lead to parsing error.

{processEscapeSequences=true, commentSeparator=#}
|header          |
|line 1\nline 2  |# The value with a newline
|line 1\r\nline 2|# The value with a carriage return and a newline
|line 1\\nline 2 |# The value with an escaped escape sequence, the result will be "line 1\nline 2"


Synonyms: VIVIDUS expression.

An expression is a special placeholder which is detected, evaluated and resolved during test execution. Expressions are used for the data generation and transformation. General expression syntax is:


During resolution process the expression placeholder is replaced with the result of the expression evaluation. If expression is unknown for VIVIDUS, the placeholder will be kept as is. If expression evaluation results in error, it will be propagated to the top level and the test will be marked as broken.

Expression accepts 1 or more arguments as input parameters. It’s allowed to construct nested expressions: in this case the evaluation starts with the deepest expression.

Expressions may include any number of variables placeholders.

Single argument expressions

Expressions accepting exactly 1 argument process it as is:

  • all leading and trailing spaces are preserved

  • no symbols are changed or removed

Expression Resulting argument



#{expression( x )}


#{expression( x, y, z )}

x, y, z

#{expression( x\, y\, z )}

x\, y\, z

#{expression(""" x, y, z """)}

""" x, y, z """

Multi argument expressions

The rules used for processing of expressions accepting more than 1 argument are following:

  • comma , is a delimiter for arguments

    Expression Resulting arguments


    argument 1: x

    argument 2: y


    argument 1: x:a

    argument 2: y;b

    argument 3: z


    argument 1: x

    argument 2: <empty string>

  • all leading and trailing argument spaces are trimmed

    Expression Resulting arguments

    #{expression(x, y)}

    argument 1: x

    argument 2: y

    #{expression( x , y , z )}

    argument 1: x

    argument 2: y

    argument 3: z

    #{expression( x , )}

    argument 1: x

    argument 2: <empty string>

  • meaningful commas (not used as delimiters) can be added to arguments in 2 ways:

    • escape comma using backslash \

      Expression Resulting arguments

      #{expression(x\,a, y\, b)}

      argument 1: x,a

      argument 2: y, b

      #{expression( x \, a , y\,b , )}

      argument 1: x , a

      argument 2: y,b

      argument 3: <empty string>

    • wrap argument into triple quotes (it might be convenient when arguments are get dynamically (e.g. from HTTP response) and escaping of such values could be a bit complicated)

      The leading and trailing spaces outside triple quotes are trimmed, but the leading and trailing spaces inside triple quotes are preserved.
      Expression Resulting arguments

      #{expression( """x,a""" , y\, b)}

      argument 1: x,a

      argument 2: y, b

      #{expression( x , """ y\,b """)}

      Escaping of commas in triple quotes is not allowed, all data is used as argument value.

      argument 1: x

      argument 2: y\,b

      #{expression( x , """""")}

      argument 1: x

      argument 2: <empty string>


Synonyms: project resource, test resource.

A resource is data (text, images, audio, and so on) that tests need to access in a way that is independent of the location of the test source code (either it’s a local tests execution from IDE, or via Gradle, or from test artifact in CI/CD).

All resources are located in src/main/resources folder of the test project by default. A resource name is a path relative to this folder, e.g. the resource located at:

└─ src
    └─ main
        └─ resources
            └─ data
                └─ request.json

can be referenced in the tests as /data/request.json.

The name of a resource is independent of the used operating system; in particular, the path separator is always a slash /.

Table Transformer

Synonyms: transformer, ExamplesTable transformer.

ExamplesTable enables the transformation of its string representation via the "transformer" inlined property. It’s allowed to define a chain of transformers, in this case the transformers are applied sequentially from top to bottom:

|header 1|header 2| .... |header n|
|value 11|value 12| .... |value 1n|
|value m1|value m2| .... |value mn|

The special characters , { } must be escaped in the transformer properties using character \.

Example 1. Escaping special characters in transformer properties
{transformer=MY_TRANSFORMER, countries=\{Australia\,Canada\}}

In the example above the transformer will have a single property with name countries and value {Australia,Canada}.

VIVIDUS variables of scopes global and next batches can be used in transformer properties (pay attention to escapes of the variables placeholders in the example below).

Example 2. Usage of global variable ${locale} in transformer property
{transformer=ONE_MORE_MY_TRANSFORMER, tables=/$\{locale\}/table1.table;/$\{locale\}/table2.table}