
The following steps are available in all VIVIDUS plugins for AWS.

Configure authentication

Configures the AWS credentials scoped to either current scenario or story: all subsequent interactions with any AWS service will use the provided credentials.

Given I configure $awsCredentialsScope-scoped AWS credentials with access key `$accessKey` and secret key `$secretKey`
  • $awsCredentialsScope - The AWS credentials scope: scenario or story.

  • $accessKey - The AWS access key.

  • $secretKey - The AWS secret access key.

Example 1. Upload data to Amazon S3 with locally configured credentials (vividus-plugin-aws-s3 is required for data upload)
Given I configure scenario-scoped AWS credentials with access key `AKIAZ4GQYGXFMNXYYQ6Q` and secret key `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`
When I upload data `{"my":"json"}` with key `folder/name.json` and content type `application/json` to S3 bucket `testBucket`