Azure Cosmos DB Plugin

The plugin provides functionality to interact with Cosmos DB


  1. Copy the below line to dependencies section of the project build.gradle file

    Please make sure to use the same version for all VIVIDUS dependencies.
    Example 1. build.gradle
    implementation(group: 'org.vividus', name: 'vividus-plugin-azure-cosmos-db', version: '0.6.7')
  2. If the project was imported to the IDE before adding new dependency, re-generate the configuration files for the used IDE and then refresh the project in the used IDE.


Containers configuration

Containers are configured with a set of properties with the following format:

azure.cosmos-db.container.{container-key}.{property-name}=property value


  1. container-name - The key of the container configuration

  2. property-name - The name of the container property. One of:

    1. container-id - The id of the container

    2. db-key - The key of database configuration

azure.cosmos-db.database.{db-key}.{property-name}=property value


  1. db-key - The key of the database configuration

  2. property-name - The name of the container property. One of:

    1. db-id - The id of the container

    2. account-key - The key of account configuration

azure.cosmos-db.account.{account-key}.{property-name}=property value


  1. account-key - The key of the account configuration

  2. property-name - The name of the container property. One of:

    1. endpoint - The endoint of the account.

    2. key - Either a master or readonly key used to perform authentication for Cosmos database service. If key is not set, default authentication mechanism described below will be used.

Example 2. Access configuration
# Container configurations referring database instances via db-key

# Database configurations referring account instances via account-key

# Accounts configuration contains connection details
azure.cosmos-db.account.vividus.key=some key


The authentication process relies on the configuration of the environment variables.

See the official "Azure identity" guide to get more details on what types of authentication could be used.



Read an item by id and partition key

When I read item with `$id` id and `$partition` partition from CosmosDB container `$containerKey` and save result to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 3. Read item
When I read item with `1` id and `personal` partition from CosmosDB container `test` and save result to scenario variable `result`
Then JSON element from `${result}` by JSON path `$` is equal to `
    "id": "1",
    "category": "personal",
    "name": "groceries",
    "description": "Pick up apples and strawberries.",
    "isComplete": false

Execute query

Executes SQL query

When I execute `$query` query against CosmosDB container `$containerKey` and save result to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 4. Execute query
When I execute `SELECT * FROM Items` query against CosmosDB container `test` and save result to scenario variable `result`
Then JSON element from `${result}` by JSON path `$` is equal to `
        "id": "1",
        "category": "personal",
        "name": "groceries",
        "description": "Pick up apples and strawberries.",
        "isComplete": false
        "id": "2",
        "category": "private",
        "name": "stores",
        "description": "Pick up apples and strawberries.",
        "isComplete": false
        "id": "3",
        "category": "personal",
        "name": "work",
        "description": "Work till sundown",
        "isComplete": false


Upsert an item in the container

When I upsert `$data` into CosmosDB container `$containerKey`
  • $data - The data to update

  • $containerKey - The key of the container

Example 5. Upsert item
When I upsert `
    "id": "3",
    "category": "personal",
    "name": "work",
    "description": "Work till sundown",
    "isComplete": false
}` into CosmosDB container `test`


Insert an item in the container

When I insert `$data` into CosmosDB container `$containerKey`
  • $data - The data to update/insert

  • $containerKey - The key of the container

Example 6. Insert item
When I insert `
    "id": "3",
    "category": "personal",
    "name": "work",
    "description": "Vacation",
    "isComplete": false
}` into CosmosDB container `test`


Delete an item in the container

When I delete `$data` from CosmosDB container `$containerKey`
  • $data - The data to delete

  • $containerKey - The key of the container

Example 7. Delete item
When I delete `
    "id": "3",
    "category": "personal"
}` from CosmosDB container `test`