WebSocket Plugin

The plugin provides a functionality to interact with WebSocket.


  1. Copy the below line to dependencies section of the project build.gradle file

    Please make sure to use the same version for all VIVIDUS dependencies.
    Example 1. build.gradle
    implementation(group: 'org.vividus', name: 'vividus-plugin-websocket', version: '0.6.11')
  2. If the project was imported to the IDE before adding new dependency, re-generate the configuration files for the used IDE and then refresh the project in the used IDE.


It’s allowed to configure an unlimited number of WebSocket connections via the mechanism of the dynamic properties. The properties example is:


where chat and debug are keys used to refer websocket connections in the steps. The keys are defined by users, must be unique and can’t contain dots.



Creates a new websocket connection.

When I connect to `$webSocketConnectionKey` websocket
  • $webSocketConnectionKey - the websocket connection key

Example 2. Connect to a web socket
When I connect to `chat` websocket

Send text message

Sends a text message over the websocket.

When I send text message `$message` over `$webSocketConnectionKey` websocket
  • $message - the text message to send

  • $webSocketConnectionKey - the websocket connection key

Example 3. Send text message
When I send text message `Hi everyone` over `chat` websocket


Disconnects from an existing websocket. All the received text messages are kept and can be drained into the variable using the drain step.

When I disconnect from `$webSocketConnectionKey` websocket
  • $webSocketConnectionKey - the websocket connection key

Example 4. Disconnect from a websocket
When I disconnect from `chat` websocket

Wait for text messages

Waits until the count of the text messages received over the specified websocket matches to the rule or until the timeout is exceeded.

When I wait with `$timeout` timeout until count of text messages received over `$webSocketConnectionKey` websocket is $comparisonRule `$expectedCount`
  • $timeout - the maximum time to wait for the messages in ISO-8601 Durations format.

  • $webSocketConnectionKey - the websocket connection key.

  • $comparisonRule - the comparison rule.

  • $expectedCount - the expected count of the messages to be matched by the rule.

Example 5. Wait for text messages
When I wait with `PT30S` timeout until count of text messages received over `chat` websocket is equal to `1`

Drain text messages

Drains the text messages received over the specified websocket to the specified variable. If the websocket is not disconnected, the new messages might arrive after the draining. If the websocket is disconnected, all the messages received after the websocket is connected or after the last draining operation are stored to the variable.

When I drain text messages received over `$webSocketConnectionKey` websocket to $scopes variable `$variableName`
  • $webSocketConnectionKey - the websocket connection key

  • $scopes - The comma-separated set of the variables scopes.

  • $variableName - the variable name to store the messages. The messages are accessible via zero-based index, e.g. ${my-var[0]} will return the first received message.

Example 6. Drain text messages
When I drain text messages received over `chat` websocket to scenario variable `welcomeMessages`
Then `${messages[0]}` is equal to `Hi Jetty`