The plugin provides the following abilities:

  • build and send HTTP requests

  • validate HTTP responses (headers, status code, body)

  • validate JSON content of HTTP response bodies


  1. Copy the below line to dependencies section of the project build.gradle file

    Example 1. build.gradle
    implementation(group: 'org.vividus', name: 'vividus-plugin-rest-api', version: '0.5.7')
  2. If the project was imported to the IDE before adding new plugin, re-generate the configuration files for the used IDE and then refresh the project in the used IDE.


Property Name Acceptable values Default Description

Configuration of REST API client




The base request endpoint


key-value mapping


The property family to set HTTP headers for all outgoing requests, e.g.

See HTTP configuration for more fine-grained control over the HTTP interactions.


The expression parameters marked with bold are mandatory.


When REST API providing the data in JSON format is used it may be required to extract some values from JSON messages. String values are usually wrapped into double quotes, but sometimes only the value without quotes is needed. This expression allows to remove wrapping double quotes and use the value as is.

  • $input - any string to remove wrapping double quotes

Example 2. Extracting ID from JSON data and using it in HTTP GET
When I save a JSON element from '${response}' by JSON path '$.id' to story variable 'id'
When I send HTTP GET to the relative URL 'rest/#{removeWrappingDoubleQuotes(${id})}'
Table 1. Examples of the expressions removing wrapping double quotes
Expression Result
























#{encodeUriXyz(..)} is a family of expressions that encode specific URI components (e.g. path, query) by percent encoding illegal characters, which includes non-US-ASCII characters, and also characters that are otherwise illegal within the given URI component type, as defined in RFC 3986.

Syntax Description


encodes the given URI user info


encodes the given URI host


encodes the given URI path


encodes the given URI path segment


encodes the given URI query


encodes the given URI query parameter


encode the given URI fragment

Table 2. Examples of the expressions encoding URI parts
Expression Result




#{encodeUriPath(/path/with spaces/)}




#{encodeUriQuery(a&b=c d)}




#{encodeUriFragment(frag ment)}


Dynamic variables

HTTP response as text

The variable provides the HTTP response body of the latest executed HTTP call as string.

Example 3. Validate the HTTP response matches the regular expression
When I send HTTP GET to the relative URL '/get?name=Content'
Then `${response}` matches `.+Home.+`

HTTP response as binary data

The variable provides the HTTP response body of the latest executed HTTP call as binary data.

Example 4. Save the received Excel document into the temporary folder
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
When I create temporary file with name `excel` and content `${response-as-bytes}` and put path to scenario variable `excelPath`

HTTP response code

The variable provides the HTTP response status code of the latest executed HTTP call.

Example 5. Validate the HTTP response code
When I send HTTP GET to the relative URL '/get?name=Content'
Then `${response-code}` is equal to `200`

Table Transformers


FROM_JSON transformer constructs a table by mapping table columns to values found by JSON Paths in the source JSON.

Parameter Description


This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. variableName parameter must be used instead.

The name of the variable containing source JSON, only variables of scopes global and next_batches are allowed.


This parameter is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. variableName parameter must be used instead.

The URL of the JSON resource that can be retrieved using the HTTP GET call.


The semicolon-separated list of mappings between column names and JSON Paths used to get column values.

Example 6. Columns parameter format
  • column_name - The user-defined column name in the resulting table.

  • json_path - The json path used to retrieve a value from the source JSON for a particular column name.

The number of elements found by the JSON Paths for each column must be the same.
variable and url are competing parameters and only one can be specified at the same time.
Example 7. Source JSON
        "firstName": "Cheryl",
        "lastName": "Wilkerson",
        "age": 36,
        "address": {
            "streetAddress": "690 Selah Way",
            "city": "Waitsfield",
            "postalCode": "05673"
        "firstName": "Zachary",
        "lastName": "Harrington",
        "age": 63,
        "address": {
            "streetAddress": "4803 Duncan Avenue",
            "city": "New York",
            "postalCode": "10014"
Example 8. Usage of FROM_JSON transformer
Given request body: {
  "fullName": "<fname> <lname>"
When I execute HTTP POST request for resource with URL ``
{transformer=FROM_JSON, url=https://data-provider/users, columns=fname=$..firstName;lname=$..lastName}

HTTP Steps

Set HTTP request configuration

Set up custom request configuration.

When I set HTTP request configuration:$configItems
  • $configItems - Table representing list of configuration items with columns "name" and "value" specifying their names and values respectively.

    Table 3. Available configs
    Configuration item Acceptable values Default value Description




    Whether the 'Expect: 100-Continue' handshake is enabled




    Whether redirects should be handled automatically




    Whether "circular redirects" (redirects to the same location) should be allowed




    Whether authentication should be handled automatically




    Whether the target server is requested to compress content




    The maximum number of redirects to be followed


    Integer (milliseconds)


    The timeout used when requesting a connection from the connection manager


    Integer (milliseconds)


    The timeout until a new connection is fully established


    Integer (milliseconds)


    The timeout until arrival of a response from the opposite endpoint. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.


    • relaxed - The RFC 6265 compliant policy (interoperability profile).

    • strict - The RFC 6265 compliant policy (strict profile).

    • ignore - The policy that ignores cookies.

    <not set>

    The name of the cookie specification to be used for HTTP state management

Example 9. Load a page with slow connection and with the property http.socket-timeout set to 15000
When I set HTTP request configuration:
|socketTimeout |
|25000         |
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then '${responseStatusCode}' is = '200'

Set HTTP request body

Sets HTTP request body that will be used while executing the request. In the case of textual content the default HTTP request header with name Content-Type and value text/plain; charset=UTF-8 is set.

No HTTP request header is set in the case of binary content.
Given request body: $content
  • $content - HTTP request body.

Example 10. Set textual HTTP request body
Given request body: Hello!
Example 11. Set binary HTTP request body
Given request body: #{loadBinaryResource(/data/image.png)}
When I set request headers:
|name        |value    |
When I send HTTP POST to the relative URL '/upload/png'

Prepare multipart HTTP request

Sets multipart request entity that will be used while executing HTTP requests.

Given multipart request:$requestParts

where requestParts is ExamplesTable representing the list of the request parts with the following columns:

  • type - One of request part types: STRING, FILE, BINARY.

  • name - The request part name.

  • value -

    • For FILE part type - the resource name or the file path.

    • For STRING or BINARY part type - the actual content.

  • contentType - The content type.

  • fileName - The name of the file contained in this request part. The parameter is not allowed for STRING part type, but it’s required for BINARY one and optional for FILE part type.

Example 12. Init HTTP request consisting of 4 different parts
Given I initialize scenario variable `temp-file-content` with value `Your first and last stop for No-Code Test Automation!`
When I create temporary file with name `abc.txt` and content `${temp-file-content}` and put path to scenario variable `temp-file-path`
Given multipart request:
|type  |name      |value            |contentType|fileName       |
|file  |file-key  |/data/file.txt   |           |anotherName.txt|
|file  |file-key2 |${temp-file-path}|text/plain |               |
|string|string-key|string1          |text/plain |               |
|binary|binary-key|raw              |text/plain |raw.txt        |

Set form data HTTP request

Sets URL-encoded form data request entity that will be used while executing HTTP requests. Default HTTP request header with name Content-Type and value application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 is set. In case if Content-Type is text/plain Set HTTP request body should be used

Given form data request:$parameters
  • $parameters - The ExamplesTable representing list of parameters with columns name and value specifying form data request.

Example 13. Set form data HTTP request body
Given form data request:
|name     |value  |
|firstName|Ivan   |
|lastName |Ivanov |
|password |!@3qwer|

Add HTTP headers to the request

Adds HTTP headers to the HTTP request.

When I add request headers:$headers
  • headers - The ExamplesTable representing the list of the headers with columns name and value specifying HTTP header

Example 14. Add request header with name Accept-Language and value en-ru
When I add request headers:
|name           |value |
|Accept-Language|en-ru |
When I send HTTP GET to the relative URL '/get?name=Content'
Then a JSON element by the JSON path '$.headers.Accept-Language' is equal to '"en-ru"'

Execute HTTP request with absolute URL

Executes the HTTP request for a resource identified by the absolute URL. The step uses previously set HTTP headers and request body. The HTTP response headers, status code and body can be accessed by the corresponding steps and dynamic variables.

When I execute HTTP $httpMethod request for resource with URL `$url`
  • $httpMethod - The HTTP method.

  • $url - The URL of the resource on the server.

Example 15. Execute HTTP GET request
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``

Execute HTTP request with relative URL

Executes the HTTP request for a resource identified by the URL relative to the base URL specified by the rest-api.http.endpoint property. The step uses previously set HTTP headers and request body. The HTTP response headers, status code and body can be accessed via the corresponding steps and dynamic variables.

When I execute HTTP $httpMethod request for resource with relative URL `$relativeURL`
  • $httpMethod - The HTTP method.

  • $relativeURL - The relative URL of the resource on the server.

Example 16. Configuration
Example 17. Execute HTTP GET request
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with relative URL `/image/jpeg`

Compare HTTP response body against resource

Compares the HTTP response body against the resource data according to the provided rule.

Then response body $validationRule resource at `$resourcePath`
  • $validationRule - The validation rule, either is equal to or is not equal to.

  • $resourcePath - The resource path.

Example 18. Compare images
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then response body is equal to resource at `/images/pig.png`

Validate HTTP response code

Compares the HTTP response status code against the expected number.

Then response code is $comparisonRule `$responseCode`
Example 19. Validate the resource is not found
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then response code is equal to `404`

Validate HTTP response time

Compares the HTTP response time against the expected number in milliseconds.

Then response time is $comparisonRule `$responseTime` milliseconds
  • $comparisonRule - The comparison rule.

  • $responseTime - The expected response time in milliseconds.

Example 20. Check HTTP response time
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then response time is less than `1000` milliseconds

Valdate number of HTTP response headers

Validates the number of HTTP response headers filtered by the specified name.

Then number of response headers with name `$headerName` is $comparisonRule $number
Example 21. Check the browser is forced to use a secure web connection
Then number of response headers with name `Strict-Transport-Security` is equal to 1

Validate HTTP response header value

Compares the header value against the expected value according to the comparison rule.

Then value of response header `$headerName` $comparisonRule `$value`
Example 22. Check HTTP response content type
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then value of response header `Content-Type` is equal to `text/plain`

Validate HTTP response header elements

Validates that the response header with the specified name contains elements. Might be useful to verify such HTTP headers as Set-Cookie that have values that can be decomposed into multiple elements.

Example 23. HTTP header with elements format
header = [ element ] *( "," [ element ] )
Then response header `$headerName` contains elements:$elements
Example 24. Check attributes of Set-Cookie header
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then response header `Set-Cookie` contains elements:
|element |

Save HTTP response header value

Saves the HTTP response header value into a variable.

When I save response header `$headerName` value to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 25. Save Content-Length header value
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
When I save response header `Content-Length` value to scenario variable `length`

Validate connection security

Validates that the HTTP connection is secured with the defined security protocol.

Then connection is secured using $securityProtocol protocol
  • $securityProtocol - The expected security protocol, e.g. TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3

Example 26. Check that the httpbin is secured
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then connection is secured using TLSv1.2 protocol

Wait for JSON element in the HTTP response

Waits for a specified amount of time until HTTP response body contains an element by the specified JSON path. The actions of the step:

  1. Execute sub-steps.

  2. Check if the HTTP response is present and the response body contains an element by JSON path.

  3. If the required JSON element exists or the maximum number of retries is reached, then the execution stops, otherwise the step actions are repeated.

  4. Stop step execution if HTTP response is not present or JSON element is found, otherwise sleep for the calculated part of specified duration and repeat actions from the start.

When I wait for presence of element by `$jsonPath` for `$duration` duration retrying $retryTimes times$stepsToExecute
  • $jsonPath - The JSON path of the element to find.

  • $duration - The time duration to wait in ISO-8601 Durations format.

  • $retryTimes - The maximum of attempts. duration/retryTimes = timeout is a polling timeout between requests.

  • $stepsToExecute - The sub-steps to execute at each iteration.

Example 27. Wait for presence of element 10 times with polling timeout between requests 5 seconds
When I wait for presence of element by `$.unstableElement` for `PT50S` duration retrying 10 times
|step                                                                                    |
|When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL `` |

Wait for JSON element in the HTTP response with polling interval

Executes the provided sub-steps until the HTTP response body contains an element by the specified JSON path or the maximum number of retries is reached. The maximum duration of the step execution is not limited. The actions of the step:

  1. execute sub-steps

  2. wait the polling interval

  3. if the required JSON element exists or the maximum number of retries is reached, then the execution stops, otherwise the step actions are repeated

When I wait for presence of element by `$jsonPath` with `$pollingInterval` polling interval retrying $retryTimes times$stepsToExecute
  • jsonPath - the JSON path of the element to find

  • pollingInterval - the duration to wait between retries

  • retryTimes - the maximum number of the retries

  • stepsToExecute - the sub-steps to execute at each iteration

Example 28. Wait for presence of element by JSON path $.data.testData
When I wait for presence of element by `$.data.testData` with `PT5S` polling interval retrying 10 times
|step                                  |
|When I set request headers:           |
|{headerSeparator=!,valueSeparator=!}  |
|!name          !value                !|
|!Authorization !${accessToken}       !|
|When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL `${requestUrl}`|

Validate secure protocols supported by server

Checks that a server defined by the hostname supports secure protocols listed in the protocols parameter.

Then server `$hostname` supports secure protocols that $rule `$protocols`
Example 29. Validate the server supports TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 protocols
Then server `` supports secure protocols that contain `TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3`

Wait for expected HTTP status code in response

Waits for the specified number of times until HTTP response code is equal to the expected one. In case if the expected code is not returned after all retries, the assertion error will be recorded.

When I wait for response code $responseCode for $duration duration retrying $retryTimes times$stepsToExecute
  • $responseCode - The expected HTTP status code.

  • $duration - The time duration to wait in ISO-8601 Durations format.

  • $retryTimes - The number of times the request will be retried: duration/retryTimes = timeout is a polling timeout between requests.

  • $stepsToExecute - The steps to execute at each wait iteration.

Example 30. Wait until HTTP GET request returns status code 200
When I wait for response code `200` for `PT10S` duration retrying 3 times
|step                                                        |
|When I send HTTP GET to the relative URL '/delayed-resource'|

Validate content type of response body

Checks content type of HTTP response body matches to the specified expected content type according to the provided string validation rule.

Then content type of response body $comparisonRule `$contentType`
Example 31. Submit a GET request and check that response body type is application/json
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then content type of response body is equal to `application/json`

Validate absence of response body

Validates that the HTTP response does not contain a body.

Then response does not contain body
Example 32. Submit a POST request and check that response body is absent
When I execute HTTP POST request for resource with URL ``
Then response does not contain body

Validate size of response body

Compare size of decompressed HTTP response body with the specified expected size in bytes.

Then size of decompressed response body is $comparisonRule `$sizeInBytes`
  • $comparisonRule - The comparison rule.

  • $sizeInBytes - The expected size of the response body in bytes.

Example 33. Submit a GET request and check that response body size is greater or equal to 1200 bytes
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then size of decompressed response body is greater than or equal to `1200`

Save ZIP archive entries

The step is moved to core package i.e. it’s not required to install any plugin to use this step - it’s available out of the box.

Validate ZIP archive

The step is moved to core package i.e. it’s not required to install any plugin to use this step - it’s available out of the box.

Validate HTTP resources

Validates the defined HTTP resources

Actions performed by step:

  • executes HTTP HEAD request against the passed URL

  • if the status code is 200 then the check is considered as passed

  • if the status code falls under any of 404, 405, 501, 503 then the HTTP GET request will be sent

  • if the GET status code is 200 then check is considered as passed, otherwise failed

  • if the target URL has already been checked then the check is considered as skipped

Then HTTP resources are valid:$resources
  • resources - The URLs of HTTP resources to validate

Example 34. Verify HTTP resources
Then HTTP resources are valid:
|url                                                   |
|                                 |

Saves cookie to scope variable. If present several cookies with the same name will be saved cookie with the root path value (path is '/').

When I save value of HTTP cookie with name `$cookieName` to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 35. Get cookie with name cookieName and save its value to scenario variable value
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
When I save value of HTTP cookie with name `cookieName` to scenario variable `value`
Then '${value}' is equal to 'cookieValue'

Change value of all HTTP cookies

Change cookie value. If several cookies with the same name exist in cookie store, the value will be changed for all of them.

When I change value of all HTTP cookies with name `$cookieName` to `$newCookieValue`
  • $cookieName - The name of cookie.

  • $newCookieValue - The new value for $cookieName.

Example 36. Get cookie with name cookieName and set new value for it newCookieValue
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
When I change value of all HTTP cookies with name `cookieName` to `newCookieValue`
When I save value of HTTP cookie with name `cookieName` to scenario variable `value`
Then '${value}' is equal to 'newCookieValue'

JSON Steps

Verify context contains data

The step is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. The replacement is the combination of the dynamic variable and the step validating the JSON element from the input. The replacement pattern is:

Then JSON element from `${json-context}` by JSON path `<jsonPath>` is equal to `<expectedData>`<options>

Checks if the JSON context contains an expected data by a JSON path

Then JSON element by JSON path `$jsonPath` is equal to `$expectedData`$options
Example 37. Check JSON context contains JSON object by JSON path
Then JSON element by JSON path `$.accountList[0]` is equal to `
  "accountId": 12345,
  "accountName": "${json-unit.any-string}",
  "status": "Active"
`ignoring extra fields

Verify JSON contains data

The step is moved to vividus-plugin-json. The step is still available via vividus-plugin-rest-api, but it’ll be required to install vividus-plugin-json explicitly starting from VIVIDUS 0.6.0.

Verify number of elements in context

The step is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. The replacement is the combination of the dynamic variable and the step validating the number of JSON elements from the input. The replacement pattern is:

Then number of JSON elements from `${json-context}` by JSON path `<jsonPath>` is <comparisonRule> <elementsNumber>

Verifies that the number of elements found in the JSON context by a JSON path matches an expected number according to specified comparison rule

Then number of JSON elements by JSON path `$jsonPath` is $comparisonRule $elementsNumber
Example 38. Number of account lists in JSON is equal to 2
Then number of JSON elements by JSON path `$.accountList` is equal to 2

Verify number of elements in JSON

The step is moved to vividus-plugin-json. The step is still available via vividus-plugin-rest-api, but it’ll be required to install vividus-plugin-json explicitly starting from VIVIDUS 0.6.0.

Save element from context

The step is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. The replacement is the combination of the dynamic variable and the step saving JSON element from the input. The replacement pattern is:

When I save JSON element from `${json-context}` by JSON path `<jsonPath>` to <scopes> variable `<variableName>`

Saves value extracted from the JSON context into a variable with specified name

When I save JSON element from context by JSON path `$jsonPath` to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 39. Save accountId element from JSON context
When I save JSON element from context by JSON path `$.accountId` to SCENARIO variable `account-id`

Save element from JSON

The step is moved to vividus-plugin-json. The step is still available via vividus-plugin-rest-api, but it’ll be required to install vividus-plugin-json explicitly starting from VIVIDUS 0.6.0.

Save number of elements in context

The step is deprecated and will be removed in VIVIDUS 0.6.0. The replacement is the combination of the dynamic variable and the step saving the number of JSON elements from the input. The replacement pattern is:

When I save number of elements from `${json-context}` found by JSON path `<jsonPath>` to <scopes> variable `<variableName>`

Saves number of elements found in the JSON context by JSON path into a variable

When I set number of elements found by JSON path `$jsonPath` to $scopes variable `$variableName`
Example 40. Save number of id elements
When I set number of elements found by JSON path `$` to scenario variable `idsCount`

Save number of elements from JSON

The step is moved to vividus-plugin-json. The step is still available via vividus-plugin-rest-api, but it’ll be required to install vividus-plugin-json explicitly starting from VIVIDUS 0.6.0.

Tips & Tricks

Validate HTTP response body

In order to validate the body of the latest HTTP response use the response dynamic variable to access the body data in conjunction with any step responsible for data validation like data comparison, JSON, XML and other steps.

Example 41. Validate response body
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Then JSON element from `${response}` by JSON path `$.slideshow` is equal to `
  "author": "Yours Truly",
  "date": "date of publication",
  "slides": [
      "title": "Wake up to WonderWidgets!",
      "type": "all"
      "items": [
        "Why <em>WonderWidgets</em> are great",
        "Who <em>buys</em> WonderWidgets"
      "title": "Overview",
      "type": "all"
  "title": "Sample Slide Show"

Save HTTP response body into variable

The HTTP response body can be saved into static variable by using the init variable step in conjunction with the response dynamic variable, it might be useful if you want to preserve the data for further computations since each subsequent HTTP call rewrites previously received response data.

Example 42. Save response body into variable
When I execute HTTP GET request for resource with URL ``
Given I initialize scenario variable `json` with value `${response}`